Let's talk about women

Lara Habib
2 min readSep 19, 2019


I work with technology. I am part of some discussion groups for women and technology. I’ve talked in some panels about women in IT. I hear about women, talk to women, and breathe into being a woman in technology.

Below, a compilation of what I heard from colleagues, in groups and even somewhere at work, about women in technology (Brazil):

  • There is consensus on the lack of representation in IT, especially in higher positions;
  • We got fewer vacancies because we later entered the area;
  • We are not objective;
  • We are not good at exacts;
  • We are very emotional;
  • We are too kind;
  • We are stubborn;
  • We are interrupted when we speak;
  • When we are well received, we do a well done job, or we are praised, it is because “we are woman” (if you understand me).

All the sentences above, I didn’t get out of my mind. I really heard them. Therefore, they are facts and data.

In the book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Book by Carol Dweck, the author says that when we have some deep-seated beliefs within us, we behave in such a way as to prove them. No way I doubt that. Imagine how much the women fight every day to prove themselves. And here I don’t even say prove to the other, I say, prove to HERSELF, that YES, she CAN. YES, this is her place.

So bellow, I have made another list. A list of women that inspire me everyday. I wish we could remember the wonderful references we have and I decided to do this list. They make a difference in my life in representativeness, intelligence, years of experience or newly entered into the area, for their phenomenal objectivity to the point of leaving me speechless, examples of brilliant brains (designers, mathematicians, physicians, developers), for their kindness and unusual humanity, for their persistence and overwhelming shine in the eyes, for their competence and brilliance in their work.

Jill Graves , Head of Global Design
Yasmina Haryono, Director, European Labs
Nathalia Martins, Product Designer
Roberta Altermann, Head of Product and Mathematician
Fernanda Geraissate, IOS Engineer and Physics
Tatiana Ottenio, Agile Coach
Nath Paiva, Front End Developer
Yanina Guerzovich, Service Design Lead
Carol Zatorre, Anthropologist
Cecilia Kremer, Phd in HCI
Paula Takahashi, Product Designer
Juliana Mello, Product Manager
Samantha Miziara, Agile Coach
Lucia Hidalgo, Tech Manager
Giselle Salgado, Tech Manager
Shilpa Kardan, Design Studio Partner
Adelle Araujo, UX Specialist
Paola Sardi, Business Director
Ieda Ottero, Design Lead
Michelle Chang, UX Designer
Catalina Avila, Service and UX Consultant

And there are many others, my list is long ❤

Which women inspire you — and why, in technology? Who represents you? Who teaches you and makes your heart flutter? They didn’t know so far, but they are the ones I think when I want to excel! YES, WE CAN!



Lara Habib

Curiosa, sonhadora, voraz por mais um curso ou uma nova história. A felicidade de trabalhar com o que amo, com propósito. Design c/ alma. Fazer e contribuir S2